Updates from Green Shield

When you call GSC..

As you may recall, we updated our phone system last summer to enhance your experience when you call Green Shield Canada (GSC). Since then, we have received some great feedback and we continue to upgrade the system to make it even easier to use.

Here are five tips to save you time when you call GSC.

  1. Add your cell phone to Online Services. Then, when you call from that cell phone, you won’t need to give us your member ID number or postal code. Not registered for Online Services? You’re missing out! Click here to register or to update your phone number.
  2. Keep it simple. Our new system will ask “How can I help?” Simple keywords like ‘drug eligibility’ or ‘dental claim’ can get you the answers you need and direct you to the right agent faster.
  3. Get your voice OR fingers ready. You can choose how you give us your information, like your date of birth. If you prefer to enter your information rather than say it, you can.
  4. Set up your Voice ID. Voice ID securely verifies your identity by the sound of your voice (like a fingerprint), meaning you can skip over those personal verification questions. In less than a minute, your Voice ID is ready to go the next time you call. Watch this video to learn more.
  5. Get the information you need without talking to an agent. The system provides 24/7 access to your claims information, benefit eligibility, plus the answers to some common questions. You can also use our Support Centre for a searchable library of commonly requested information.

Bonus Tip!

Say “Member” when you call. You’re a GSC plan member so be sure to say “member” if asked by the system.

Our phone system is just one of the ways we are creating a fast and easy experience for you.

PPE fees – what you need to know

After extensive internal reviews, we have determined that PPE fees are not a standard eligible expense under GSC health and dental plans. As a result, the portion of claims related to PPE fees will not be reimbursed.

When dental claims are submitted with PPE fees, the entire claim will be entered as billed and reimbursed according to plan design so that eligible procedure codes continue to be reimbursed.

When health claims are submitted with PPE fees noted on the receipt or invoice, GSC is taking the following approaches:

  • If the PPE fees are clearly indicated, that portion of the claim will be processed separately using an ineligible procedure code, meaning it is denied
  • If the claim shows that the cost of an item or service has been combined with a PPE fee (but not broken down), the entire claim will be denied. A breakdown of charges is required and will be requested before the claim can be reprocessed.

 New to Green Shield

Our extended health and dental service provider, Green Shield Canada, has been busy working on some new and convenient items to help enhance and ease the claims process for us. They have now added the option for you to submit your claim online through the Plan Members Online Services site. For those of you who haven’t registered for this account yet, it allows you to…

  • See your claims history
  • Gives you access your Benefit Plan Booklet
  • Allows you to submit your claims online
  • Set up direct deposit (which will allow you to receive your reimbursement as early as 72 hours after the claim was submitted)

…and much more.

You can sign up for this by visiting www.greenshield.ca, click the LOGIN button, and then click GO to register. You will need your plan member ID (MRN student number-00) and a registration key, which you can get from you most recent Explanation of benefits or you can request one by clicking GET A REGISTRATION KEY. For more information on the Plan Member Online site, please visit www.greenshield.ca.

They have also created an app called GSC on the Go. Once you have created a Plan Member Online Services account, you would have access to the app. The app allows you to…

  • View your claim history
  • Access an electronic copy of your GSC benefits card
  • Submit online claims
  • Find a health care provider in the area
  • Check to make sure that your plan covers a certain drug before you even leave the doctor’s office

…and more.

The app can be downloaded free of charge from App Store, Windows Store, or Google Play and is compatible with most Smartphones and tablets. For more information on the GSC on the Go app, please visit www.greenshield.ca.

They have also introduced the CHANGE4LIFE Health Portal. This site is a resource to support and guide you to make healthy choices. Some of the things you can do on Change4Life are:

  • Complete an online Health Risk Assessment
  • Sign up to receive Stick2It medication reminder emails
  • Sign up to receive health reminder emails
  • Read educational articles on health topics
  • Set a S.M.A.R.T. Goal

As you complete these items listed above, you’ll earn points. The points are used to buy ballots on rewards that you could win. Some of the rewards that can be won are gift cards, sports apparel, electronics, and more.