Service of the Students’ Union
The Students’ Union provides its members with numerous services, including health and dental plans, student discount cards, faxing service, peer tutoring, club and society support. Please see our Contact Us page for the following services while our office W2042 is closed in compliance with the Marine Institute’s COVID-19 response measures.
MISU Faxing Service
The MISU offers free faxing of documents pertaining to academic needs and correspondence. This includes any documents relating to student loans and student funding.
Sending a Fax
Temporarily unavailable.
Receiving a Fax
If you require a document to be faxed to you, you must let the MISU office know beforehand and present your student card. Once notified, the fax will be put aside until it can be picked up. If you do not give notice, the MISU will not guarantee that your fax will be received.
International Student Identity Card (ISIC)
The ISIC is the only internationally recognized proof of full-time student status, and is a student travel discount card in more than 130 countries worldwide, including Canada. MISU members receive the ISIC for free as a benefit of membership in the Canadian Federation of Students. The ISIC provides access to discounts on travel, Â accommodation, admission to historical sites and museums, entertainment attractions, and online and in-store shopping! Visit to get your card!
Peer Tutoring
The MISU coordinates a peer-tutoring network. The purpose of the network is to help students find good tutors fast. If you are interested in making some extra cash, come down to the MISU office and give your name, contact information and the subjects for which you are able to tutor. Depending on what you need, we will help you either get a job tutoring someone or we will put you in touch with a tutor who can help you with your studies. If you have any more questions, come see your V.P. Academic, at the MISU office