Health and Dental Frequently Asked Questions
How does Covid-19 effect travel coverage with Green Shield?
Updated information on the Green Shield website related to Covid-19 can be found using the link below. This information update is related to the Travel section of the MISU Health policy.
For specific inquiries regarding a student situation it is recommended that the student contact Green Shield customer service either by calling 1-888-711-1119 or emailing
How do I enroll for coverage?
All full-time students at the Marine Institute are automatically enrolled in the health and dental insurance plan when they register for classes.
Can I sign up my family?
Yes. Students can extend their coverage to their partners, including same sex partners, and dependent children. Family members can be added to the plan by completing an Application for Family Coverage and paying the appropriate fees. The opt-in deadline to add family members for any given academic term is two weeks after the first day of lectures.
What is the cost?
Health Plan
Single (student): $86.36 per term
Spouse/Common-law or Partner/Child: Additional $78.56 per term
Dental Plan
Single (student): $47.28 per term
Spouse/Common-law or Partner/Child: Additional $47.20 per term
What is my Green Shield Identification Number?
Your Green Shield ID number is the letters MRN, plus, your Student ID number from your student card with the necessary number of zeros added at the beginning to create a nine-digit number. In addition, a two-digit tag number is added for each participant under your plan. For example, you add “00” for yourself, “01” for your spouse, “02” for your first dependent “03” for your second dependent, etc. (EX. MRN XXXXXXXXX-00)
When does my coverage begin?
Both the health and dental plan start on September 1st in the Fall semester, January 1st for the Winter semester and May 1st for the Technical session.
What if I am already covered?
If you are already covered under an extended health and/or dental plan (this does not mean your provincial health care plan), you may choose to opt-out of the Students’ Union plan and receive a refund for the health and dental plan fees you have paid.
If you choose to exclude yourself, you may do so by visiting the website here. You will be required to demonstrate that you are already covered by another plan by presenting a copy of your current policy or membership card clearly showing the name of the insurance company and the policy number. Alternatively, you may opt-out of this plan by presenting this information to the Students’ Union office.
The opt-out deadline for any given academic term is two weeks after the first day of lectures. Students who opt-out of the health/dental plan in the Fall semester will automatically be opted out for the remainder of the academic year unless notification is made to the MISU to opt-in.
The opt-in deadline for any given academic term is two weeks after the first day of lectures.
If a student is on long term sea phase or work term, they are automatically covered for health insurance only. If a student wishes to opt-out of the health plan they must make the necessary arrangements. If the long term sea phase or work term begins before September 1st of any given year, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to opt-out of the plan at the beginning of September, if they wish to do so. Students must opt-out within the first two weeks of the scheduled start date of their work term for their program as published in the academic diary. If a student wishes to add on dental coverage they must fill out an opt-in form during the first two weeks of lectures per academic term or work term, which can be picked up at the MISU office.
In the case where a student has just completed a work term and is entering into a new academic semester and has opted out of the health care plan the previous semester, the student is also required to opt-out of the dental plan for the new semester if they do not wish to have the dental coverage. The deadline for opting out of the plan is two weeks after the first day of lectures for that semester.
If a student is registered for courses at both the St. John’s Campus and Marine Institute, they must opt-out of both plans if they do not wish to have that coverage.
Please note that your student health and dental plan includes benefits specifically designed for student needs. You may find it to your advantage to remain enrolled in both this and your other health plan in order to increase your total coverage by coordinating the benefits of the two plans. For details about this option, contact the Students’ Union.
What if I want to opt back in?
If you opted-out of the plan and your alternative coverage lapses, you can re-join the plan, please bring proof that your alternative coverage has lapsed to the Finance Office (C2210) or email You will be eligible, once applicable fees are paid, to rejoin from the beginning of the semester. You should make every effort to contact the Students’ Union within 30 days of losing your coverage if you intend to re-join the MISU Plan.
Who will be covered by the Health and Dental Plan?
The Health and Dental plan will be available to all full-time and part-time Marine Institute students. International students who have a current MCP (Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Coverage Plan) card are eligible to join the MISU Health and Dental Plan. However, prior to opting in to the MISU plan, international students must opt-out of the Foreign Health Plan by presenting their MCP to the International Student Advising Office at Memorial University. If you have any questions regarding the Foreign Health Insurance Plan, please contact the International Student Advisor, Sonia Ho, via telephone at (709) 778-0631 or via email at
What if I opted out last year?
Even if you opted out last year, every September you are automatically enrolled into the student health and dental plan. You must show proof of alternative coverage every year. Please refer to the MI Calendar for more information.
What if I was on a work term?
For those students heading out on work terms for the Summer semester, please make sure you have paid your health insurance fees when paying for the Technical Session. You will be covered until the end of August. If you are not planning on returning to classes in September and remaining on your work term for the Fall and/or Winter semester, then you must pay for health insurance only for that specific semester. Please check with the Students’ Union to make sure you are enrolled in the health plan. If you plan to opt-out again, you must opt-out every September here
If you are going to be away during the opt-out period you must make your own arrangements to opt-out before the deadline. Remember you must opt-out online. If you require assistance opting out, please call the MISU office before the opt-out deadline and the MISU will make arrangements to help you out.
What about Provincial Health Care?
This extended health insurance plan supplements your provincial health care plan. It does not replace your provincial health care plan.
How do I avail of the direct billing?
Present your Student ID or the printable Green Shield card (available here) to your pharmacist who will submit claims on your behalf electronically. You will not have out-of-pocket expenses for eligible items and charges (exceptions may apply if you are out of province/country) as the pharmacist is paid directly by Green Shield. If your pharmacist is not participating in the Green Shield network or you are purchasing prescription drugs without your card, submit your claim form and receipts to Green Shield as outlined under “Other Claims”.
How do I file other claims?
To file a claim for an health or dental expense, simply complete a health or dental claim form and mail it to Green Shield at the appropriate address indicated on the form. Claim forms should be submitted with original receipts but please retain a copy of everything you submit for your own records.
If you have questions about submitting claims, or exactly what is covered, please contact Green Shield directly by calling toll-free 1-888-711-1119.
Who is providing the coverage?
The proposed plan was originally developed by the National Student Health Network of the Canadian Federation of Students. The Network assists Students’ Unions, including unions that are not members of the Federation, to negotiate health and dental plans with service providers. Travel claims are administered by Green Shield, AD&D claims are administered by Green Shield, provided by Western Life. By utilizing Green Shield, students are provided low-cost, high quality coverage. Green Shield operates a toll-free number and Web site that students have access to 24 hours a day.
How will the National Student Health Network benefit us?
By voting to have the proposed health plan coverage, which is provided as a part of the National Student Health Network, we would become members of this network. This network provides health coverage to schools that are both members and non-members of CFS. By joining this group we cut down on the administrative costs and other costs that would raise our premiums. Basically, the network acts as a CO-OP, and as part of this organization, the MISU would play a role in the future direction of the organization. The MISU would also be able to contact other member schools to find out what options work best for them, what other schools recommend, or ask questions on the day to day health plan operations.
How to find more information?
Tel: 709 778 0595