School Societies

Want to start a society?

If you wish to voice concerns; if you want to have fun; or if you just simply want to become involved, clubs and societies are the way to do it. They give students the opportunity to meet one another and make new friends. Hard work and study should be your first priority, but everyone needs a break and social events are a great way to work off tension from all your hard work and study. Take part and get involved!

Societies will elect their own executive, which will then act as organizers and fund-raisers for any social event for that society. There are clubs and societies, which have already been established from previous years, and every year with new students, new executives are elected for that year (these are usually second-year students for societies of three/ four-year programs). If you have questions concerning which society you belong to, or you would like to start one, contact:

Michael Howse,
VP Internal,
Tel: 778-0625,